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Title: Estudio e implementación de tecnologías overlay en redes definidas por software SDN
Author: Castro Serantes, Bárbara
Tutor: López Sánchez-Montañés, Joaquín
Abstract: The need for the development of software-based networks or SDNs is born under the paradigm of Cloud Computing and virtualization. The physical complexity of the current network and the large number of existing protocols in environments where proprietary or private developments abound, hinder the efficient management of the network. Currently, network architects, faced with the high demand for data, are looking for more flexible solutions that allow them to efficiently manage these resources. This dissertation will study software-defined networks, their technologies, protocols, architectures and traffic control mechanisms. The limitations of current networks will be exposed and how SDN is able to solve some of these problems by integrating the advantages introduced by this new paradigm, compared to the technologies used so far in a theoretical and practical environment. Regarding the development of the TFG, firstly, a virtual laboratory will be deployed with the demonstration of the operation of a centralized controller in SDN. Secondly, the main technologies applied to the SDN environment will be analyzed and tests will be carried out in a virtual laboratory of our own development. In both case studies, priority will be given to open source solutions, whenever possible. In conclusion, the aim is to defend the advantages of SDN, due to its scalability, adaptability and flexibility, generating in parallel a suitable starting point for new studies of greater depth that could be of interest.
Keywords: Overlay Network
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 15-Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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