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Title: Captura dades arduino i representació gràfica a pàgina web
Author: Rodríguez López, Sergio
Tutor: Morell, Antoni  
Others: Tuset-Peiro, Pere  
Abstract: The current geopolitical context has generated an extremely worrying situation regarding the price of energy and the need to save consumption. This is why this proposal aims to encourage savings in gas consumption, by raising awareness of users' consumption habits. The proposal develops an arduino hardware to get the temperature, humidity and gas consumption all day, and it sends the data to a remote server for processing. The OCR technology allows us to obtain the consumption recorded, when it is captured. If we add to this the temperature and the humidity, we have a set of data to make a consumption hàbits graphic. This graphic allows the users to know its gas consumption and, if needed, carry out energy-saving measures. Therefore, we have the practical application of an IoT that combines microcontrollers and web development. Last but not least, we can also highlight that this is another practical use of OCR technology.
Keywords: Arduino
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 15-Jan-2023
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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