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Title: El uso de las TIC en foros colaborativos como fomento del autoaprendizaje y la motivación en el contexto de la enseñanza de inglés en adultos
Author: Chaveli Díaz, Tomás Ramón
Tutor: Gázquez Cano, Miriam
Abstract: The teaching of languages has been in constant evolution and has undergone important changes in terms of methodologies along the years. Taking into consideration pedagogical factors along with sociocultural aspects, it would be worth noting that new paradigms on teaching and learning second languages have been created. The continuous progress of the ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies), such as social networks, digital resources, apps with pedagogical purposes, etc., has resulted in the normalization of their use in the classroom in the same way as any other physical items. The Covid-19 pandemics has triggered a change in the modality of the teaching of languages and it has been a turning point as both teachers and students have had to rapidly adapt to the new methods of teaching. The demand and the academic offering of online and blended courses has been remarkably increased. As a consequence, the educational community has been in the need of using the ICTs compulsorily in order to cope with the new teaching modalities which imply a fostering of both the learners’ autonomy and their motivation. The wide variety of ICTs resources which can be used is immeasurable, thus it should not be administered arbitrarily. Thus, discussion forums can be used in order to provide not only pedagogical resources, but also to provide a place where the entire community can work and communicate. The multimodal nature of forums allows working in different directions. This is a valuable factor which provides an opportunity to teach and learn in a more open and flexible space.
Keywords: WebQuest
language activities
digital tools
discussion forum
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 25-Jan-2023
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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