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Title: Programa multidisciplinar per millorar la qualitat de vida de persones obeses en un Centre d'Atenció Primària
Author: Moreno Urbano, Tania
Tutor: Diana, Marina  
Abstract: Obesity is a major public health problem worldwide. Together with the high rate of premature mortality associated with obesity, and the high number of health care resources invested in its prevention and in the treatment of directly or indirectly associated diseases, obesity represents a significant decrease in the quality of Life of those who suffer from it. To address this situation, we propose the design of a group and multidisciplinary intervention in a Primary Care Center, where participants will acquire skills and strategies that will generate a favourable State of health and promote a better quality of Life. The design of the program is a prospective analytical experimental design of community intervention and proposes to intervene from a multidisciplinary model aimed at working on the three areas of intervention most closely related to overweight: nutritional area, physical activity area and psychological area. Participation in a multidisciplinary intervention program carried out by a nurse, nutritionist, physiotherapist and psychologist in a primary care center can improve the quality of Life of obese people. The group sessions provide a space for reflection where they can express their doubts and share experiences. In addition, the health education provided promotes the empowerment of participants to make changes healthy lifestyles.
Keywords: intervention design
quality of life
groups intervention
multidisciplinary team
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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