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Title: La dona a la fotografia de Pere Català Roca
Author: Caselles Ramírez, Leonor
Tutor: Sanjust i Latorre, Cristina  
Abstract: Pere Català Roca is a Catalan photographer and historian born in Valls in 1923 and who, together with his father and his brother, formed the well-known lineage of Català Roca photographers. He is also known for his career as a disseminator of various aspects of the Catalonia's culture and history. His photographs and his written works are invaluable to anyone who loves and wants to know our history. On the other hand, the dictatorship of patriarchy has imposed on us a biased view of history in general. Against this fact, in recent years there has been a growing interest in knowing and vindicating a story seen through woman’s eyes. In the following pages we analyse the photographs of women that Pere Català Roca took during his period as a photographer, and which are guarded in the National Archive of Catalonia. This is a new attempt to highlight the female figure, where an analysis is made about how Pere Català Roca photographed the female universe.
Keywords: feminism
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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