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Title: La salut i el benestar de les dones de l'àmbit rural de la comarca de la Noguera des d'una perspectiva dels rols de gènere
Author: Grau Molins, Meritxell
Tutor: Vicente-Cruz, Emerson  
Others: Angulo-Brunet, Ariadna  
Abstract: Awareness of women's psychological and emotional health and well-being is low. Although there are some reports and programs that promote and enhance the visibility of this phenomenon, it often does not reach everyone. In this research we have specifically analyzed the health and well-being of rural women in Catalonia. These women, by the simple fact of living in a rural area, are already excluded from some opportunities. To all this we add the gender factor, that is, the stereotypes and traditional roles of female and male gender, which have been given to people according to their socially ascribed gender, and we will see how these influence their health and well-being. Method. This study focuses on a specific social location, in the region of La Noguera, which is the largest in terms of extension of the autonomous community of Catalonia. Thus, four women who live in rural areas, in municipalities of less than a thousand inhabitants and who are between 55 and 65 years old, participate in the research. In order to deepen their vision and experience, we have chosen the methodology of Narrative Productions and narrative thematic analysis. Results. The results of the analysis demonstrate the subjective vision of the participating women. We have seen that they have internalized and normalized the tasks and functions of the female role, for example, the overload of household chores or family care, among others. We will see how some of them express it unconsciously, and others express it justifying that they are women of another era. But in no case do they perceive it as something negative for women's health. The analysis also shows how they say that living in a small municipality has advantages, such as tranquility and proximity. Now, they all share that the lack of basic services provided by a rural municipality involuntarily forces them to have to move when they are older. Conclusions: The main victims of rural depopulation and the lack of basic services in small towns cause older women to be doomed to a lack of support towards aging or they must leave their home to move to another larger municipality where they can have other resources. The effort made by these women throughout their lives as the main caregivers of the people around them and of dependents will not have the same return, since women's roles are evolving. The care of family members changes, whether they work as external caregivers or in nursing homes for the elderly. Ultimately, the perception of these women's health and well-being is good, although they have experienced several difficult moments in their lives. Social education can be a powerful socializing agent for the transformation of society.
Keywords: gender studies
rural area
gender roles
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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