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Title: 10 metodologies i activitats per avaluar i aprendre amb la IA generativa
Other Titles: 10 metodologías y actividades para evaluar y aprender con la IA generativa
10 methods and activities for learning and assessment with generative AI
Author: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. eLearning Innovation Center
Abstract: One of the technologies that is advancing the fastest is generative AI. This fact has led to the initiation of a reflection in the educational world that goes beyond the review of assessment systems and involves identifying the opportunities offered by their integration to enhance the learning experience of students and empower them to make proper use. This infographic presents 10 methodologies and activities to incorporate generative AI tools in the design of courses and assessment tests.
Keywords: IA
IA generatives
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
Issue Date: 2-Mar-2023
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Appears in Collections:Imágenes - Infografias

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