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Title: Las CBDC como medio de pago seguro ante el uso de otros activos digitales. Caso de las stablecoins
Author: Sempere Tortosa, José Ramón
Tutor: Bonilla-Quijada, María  
Abstract: This paper analyzes the characteristics that a central bank digital currency (CBCD) must have, as well as the possible financial and macroeconomic implications of its launch. Due to the evolution in the preference of means of payment towards electronic payments by the public, as well as the irruption of different crypto assets with payment capacity have caused the need for central banks to study the possibility of issuing digital currencies issued by central banks (CBDC). Both types of money are compared and analyzed. On the other hand, CBDCs can help in the process of banking of the most vulnerable sectors, as well as in developing economies and emerging markets. Being aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From the analysis of stablecoins, its taxonomy, type of backed and stability. It is concluded that they are not as stable as one might assume, and their main uses are in the market of crypto assets especially linked to speculative movements. Moreover, the need to regulate stablecoins means that they increasingly resemble CBDCs, so finally it would not make sense to provide a type of private money that is done efficiently and safely in a public way, safe and free way for the users.
Keywords: private money
monetary policy
public provision of money
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Oct-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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