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Title: Desarrollo del videojuego Arúspice, basado en el análisis transmedial documental de la mitología mesopotámica
Author: Rojas Cajamarca, Nicolas Alejandro
Tutor: Arnedo-Moreno, Joan  
Others: Duch, Jordi  
Abstract: The development of the videogame Arúspice is based on the study of Mesopotamian mythology from multiple perspectives: hermeneutics, transmediality and documentary. The intention has been to create an experience that captures the way of thinking and living of the ancient world, transferring it into an immersive experience that allows the player to reach a deeper understanding and interpretation of these realities. Arúspice achieves this goal through an interpretive process that goes beyond the literalness with which myths have been treated, revealing the social orders and symbolic manifestations behind them using iconography and storytelling. In this sense, aesthetics is a fundamental point, which, in combination with the mechanics of videogames, generates an environment where one can really delve into unknown worlds, ideas and spaces. For this purpose it has been essential to find a bridge between these very diverse and distant realities, this link has been the first card games of cards and chance, like Karnöfell, which have always floated between two uses, between entertainment and fortune telling, between chance and destiny, it is here where the commonplace that links ancestry with today has been found, a collection of symbols, meanings and rules that allow us to understand this other way of life without it being strange and distant from ours. Arúspice uses new technologies, and their new ways of telling stories, to collect all these elements and give them a life of their own.
Keywords: transmedial
video games
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2023
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Apareix a les col·leccions:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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