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Title: Clasificación, estudio y comparativa de exploits
Author: Molina Cruz, Pablo
Tutor: Miguel Moneo, Jorge  
Others: Isern-Deya, Andreu Pere  
Abstract: The proposed Final Degree’s Project starts from a theoretical framework indicating what is and what is not a pentesting in such way that this starting point allows to know the pentesting objectives and its phases. Hence, the interested person will realize that one of the most important phase of a pentesting is the system’s explotation. The aforementioned will give rise to develop a second theoretical part to explain the characteristics and objectives of the different types of exploits. Thus, the interested person will be introduced to the really exposed subject here, "Classification, study and comparison of the different exploits used in security audits". To avoid boredom and monotony, in a practical way, the use of the different types of exploits that can be used when carrying out a security audit will be indicated. The obtained results will serve to begin the fourth part of the Final Degree’s Project that will focus on the comparison between the different types of exploits. The reached results and conclusions indicates that an exploit can be understood as a technique used to take advantage of a vulnerability in a system or application in order to gain unauthorized access or perform some type of malicious action. As such, it could be said that the different existing types of exploits serves the different types of vulnerabilities present on an element in question.
Keywords: exploits
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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