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Title: Una etnografía de l'impacte de la presó i el risc del suïcidi en persones sota règim penitenciari
Author: Brugués Garcia, Mireia
Tutor: Soronellas-Masdeu, Montserrat  
Abstract: For many years suicide has been studied in different disciplines in order to understand it as a social phenomenon. From the point of view of anthropology, social and cultural factors are essential items for understanding people in a holistic way and for this reason, in the presen study the anthropological perspective is used with the purpose of understanding the suicide problem in prison context. In this research, a review of the evolution of the prison system as an institution is carried out in order to understand the current situation in Catalan prisons. It’s showed how imprisonment affects a person’s life and what risk factors are likely to make a person more susceptible to suicidal thoughts. Secondly, a review of the most relevant laws is done to create a framework for understanding imprisonment. And finally, data obtained through interviews with inmates is analyzed and, together with the bibliography, is used to present the findings and derived conclusions. These data will be extracted from a qualitative methodology focused on conducting in-depth interviews with individuals who have been, or still are in prison, and professionals in the prison system. This research addresses the study of suicidal ideation from an anthropological perspective through the narratives obtained from the interviews.
Keywords: penitentiary system
protective factors
risk factors
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 19-Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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