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Title:, el nou referent digital d’informació mediambiental. Una nova manera d'explicar i d'entendre els reptes de l'emergència climàtica
Author: Domene Castillo, Joan F.
Tutor: Peres-Neto, Luiz  
Abstract: My project in this Master’s Degree Final Project is to create a new Catalan environmental digital newspaper. The name of this new digital media is in reference to Greta Thunberg, the girl who represents the values, the spirit, the commitment, and the ethical awareness that we will transmit to our audience and especially to the young people. The main goal of the content proposal is to connect with the sensibility by the climatic emergency and to answer the citizen’s interest for environmental fears, aligned with the principles of the slow journalism instead of following break news mainstream, providing information of quality and in-depth analysis. We will bet on innovation and transmedia narratives to make our content more attractive and understandable, giving special attention to participation to create a community and to seek the way to connect above all with the younger audience that is all disconnected from news media. The main reason for proposing this project is the lack of an environmental digital media of reference, in the Catalan and Spanish spaces, which covers the informational needs of a citizenry that is increasingly aware of the climate emergency in which we live.
Keywords: digital media
climate emergency
environmental information
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 9-Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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