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Title: La representación de los "Otros" en los medios. La inmigración y los inmigrantes en la prensa digital española
Author: Riesgo Calle, Raquel
Tutor: Pérez Gómez, Aura Patricia
Abstract: The media play a very important role in the construction of social reality and the formation of public opinion, influencing in a decisive way the image that society forms about inmigrants. Given the power of the media to determine the topics that are part of the media agenda and its influence on how events are understood by the population, this investigation studies whether the media treatment of two relevant migratory phenomena that occurred during 2022 fosters a stereotyping of the immigrant collective that can result in hate speech and discriminatory behavior towards immigrants. Likewise, by analyzing the media coverage of two such migratory flows involving immigrants and refugees of different origins, we also aim to determine whether digital newspapers report from an eurocentric perspective which establishes a clear differentiation between "them" and "us" and whether there are significant differences in the informative treatment of migratory flows by digital newspapers with different ideological profiles. In order to determine how the Spanish digital press represents immigration and immigrants, a fundamentally qualitative content analysis has been carried out based on a conceptual framework that reviews the key theoretical foundations on which this research is based. The study of the information selected on the basis of a series of relevant criteria shows that there are significant differences in the representation of immigrants based on their nationality, that negative approaches predominate in the information on immigration and that ideology plays a key role in the media's way of reporting. At a time like the present, when the population is particularly interested in migration, a study of these characteristics is essential to identify areas for improvement in the treatment of immigration that can build bridges between cultures and contribute to social cohesion.
Keywords: media representation of inmigration
spanish digital press
news framing
ideological bias
code of ethics in media
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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