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Títol: Exhausting 2010: Networking Latin America (art) History
Autoria: Inigo Clavo, Maria  
Resum: This article begins with the counter-celebrations of the Bicentennial of Independence of various countries in Latin America in 2010, where a number of artists took part in an array of organised events and actions. I will present here a portrait of that moment of change of paradigm in the methodologies for researching and curating ‘Latin American (Art) History’ that was developed in the following decade. I will focus on some actions and exhibitions that shared four common interests: 1) A concern in analysing how official representations of (modern) History had been constructed. 2) To show the historical contributions to independence and ulterior construction of the ‘national’ by collectivities that had been until then ignored by national narration: Indigenous peoples, peasants, African Descendants and women, in order to rename modernity. 3) To defy classic curatorial strategies in order to question the conventional format of the exhibition and art display, by fostering networks of people, alternative circulation tactics or rumors typical of popular culture strategies. 4) A reflection on the concept of Nation as a modern manifestation, as a continuation of the colonial order.
Paraules clau: curating
museums of history
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09528822.2020.1834262
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
Data de publicació: 18-nov-2020
Llicència de publicació: NO
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