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Títol: Ciutat Morta/Dead City. Agency, ICTs and critical urban documentary in the Spanish context
Autoria: Rodríguez-Granell, Ana  
Citació: Ana Rodríguez-Granell. “Ciutat Morta/Dead City. Agency, ICTs and critical urban documentary in the Spanish context” en el libro: Contemporary Radical Film Culture: Networks, Organisations and Activists. pp. 79 - 88. Routledge, (2020), ISBN 9781351006385 DOI: 10.4324/9781351006385
Resum: This chapter highlights the relationship between these economic, cultural, urban and Information and Communication Technology processes in order to determine the nature of the tensions they generate and the political agency achieved by some organisational models at the margins of cultural industry. Ciutat Morta is presented as a paradigmatic case since it includes various aspects that readers will analyse: the reshaping of the alternative media’s political agenda by global economic dynamics and the model of the city brand. Metromuster, the production company of Ciutat Morta, was established precisely as a critical response to the modern framework of urban policies and the model of local creative industries. Ciutat Morta is a paradigmatic case in this study since it involves various levels: agency; institutional corruption with police abuse and repression and political complicity. Ciutat Morta began to be seen and to win awards at major festivals in Spain, including the prize for the best documentary at Malaga Festival, with consequent press impact.
Paraules clau: urban issues
social mouvements
use of media
DOI: 10.4324/9781351006385
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
Data de publicació: 15-jul-2020
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