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Title: Estudi i selecció d’un sistema de gestió d’uniformitat i Equips de Protecció Individual (EPI) per a una administració pública
Author: Bermejo Gómez, José Antonio
Tutor: Gallifa Roca, Joan
Others: Daradoumis, Thanasis  
Abstract: The purpose of this work is to find a system that allows to manage the uniformity and EPI's (Individual Protection Equipment) in a public administration, with the context and the peculiarities that it has, the level of management and at the public procurement. In an very complex context, complying with the requirements in prevention of occupational risks and health surveillance, make the correct management of EPI's and work clothing, becomes very important for any organization, even more so when we are talking about a public administration. To do this work, a needs study will be carried out within a public administration, a market study to find out possible solutions available, and a solution and an implementation plan will be proposed that can be used by any administration in order to improve its management.
Keywords: administració pública
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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