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Title: De IBM a Kyndryl. El camino al mundo de los servicios
Author: Godoy Socuéllamos, Jose Carlos
Tutor: González Pla, Francisco
Abstract: Throughout the life of a company, it goes through many vicissitudes: changes in the socio-political environment, improvements in technology, new opportunities, new threats, etc. that force it to adapt its strategy to that specific moment. Among the different strategies that can be adopted by a company are the reorientation strategies, which are designed and carried out when the company has certain weaknesses and business opportunities appear in the environment that lead it to change direction in order to take advantage of them, Among the tools available is the possibility of splitting off parts of it. IBM saw how its revenue decline year after year since 2011, from $102.874 billion to $55.179 billion, and its profit from $56.778 billion to $24.314 billion, a drop of more than 46% and 60% respectively, while its most direct competitors grew in double digits in both revenue and profit over the same period. On 8 October 2020, IBM announced (1) a partial spin-off, to transfer its business unit responsible for providing technology infrastructure services to other companies to a new independent company and thus be able to focus its strategy on the new opportunity that had emerged, cloud computing, and in which it had lost ground to its competitors: it refocused its strategy. This paper will take us through the history of IBM from its beginnings in the early 20th century to the year 2020 and briefly review some of its great successes, as well as the mistakes that led to a major crisis in the early 1990s and its subsequent entry into the world of infrastructure services, the seed of what would lead to the birth of Kyndryl at the end of 2021, stopping briefly at the strong leadership that the figures of Thomas J. Watson and his son, Thomas J. Watson and his son, exerted on the company in the early 1990s. Watson and his son exercised and in the company's deep awareness of the integration and equality of all people, aspects that we will also study in more depth in Kyndryl, the company on which the work will focus and which we will analyse by learning about its mission, vision, values and carrying out a strategic and financial analysis, now as an independent company, which will allow us to know how it positions itself in relation to its competition as well as the possible strategies that it can adopt.
Keywords: spin-off
corporate strategy
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 2-Feb-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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