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Title: Explorant la síntesi d'arts. Animació 3D i dansa
Author: Hamilton Renalias, Clement
Tutor: Molinas Lombart, Ferran
Others: Campo Marquiegui, Jesús del
Gilaberte Redondo, Andreu
Abstract: This project delves into the world of multimedia art, exploring the crossover of 3D modelling, music and dance through the context of a music video. With the innovation of technology, new tools and techniques appear that allow artists to explore their creativity and dramaturgy in a more efficient manner. This project focuses on the creation of a 3D animated video, together with alternative technologies of movement capture, like the use of artificial intelligence. The research starts with an exploration of terrain modelling that allows us to create a mountainous landscape with forests and a river, that act as a stage for us to place a character. This character will be animated using emerging motion capture software like FreeMocap and Plask.AI, engines that analyse and extract movement data from video sources. This project and thesis are used to share the creation and animation processes of a 3D music video. In conclusion, this thesis underscores the significance of innovation within the animation industry, through the creation of a music video. A comprehensive examination of the creative process and technical intricacies present, the research sheds light on the accessibility of new technologies which lower the barrier of entry for creative ideas and show the potential of the interaction between technology and artistic expression in the realm of multimedia storytelling.
Keywords: CGI
motion capture
computer graphics
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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