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Title: La Caverna de Deimos: Realització de un pòdcast de ficció narrativa
Author: Bonil Soler, Arnau
Tutor: Niqui, Cinto  
Abstract: My project is a horror sound fiction podcast called La caverna de Deimos. The idea behind this podcast is to generate a sound fiction of self-contained chapters. This starts from a chapter "0" in which the listener will be introduced to a multiverse that will give meaning and cohesion to the rest of the chapters. Based on various historical references, an apparently truthful universe is generated on which to develop the rest of the stories.The narrative aesthetic draws from sources such as classic gothic horror literature, or current dystopian series, as well as different radio fictions that I consider the basis on which to evolve this project.Through the 6 chapters of this story, the listener will navigate through several stories that seek to explore the darkest corners of the human condition. Make him feel challenged and wonder what he would do in these situations. Using classic narrative mechanisms and based on dialogue as a mechanism for advancing the story, the different chapters will deal with themes such as fear, betrayal, power, trust, death or suffering. During the conceptualization and search for sources of funding for this project, the possibility arose for me to transfer what until then was only a project to a reality; apply for public funding and start building the podcast professionally. Therefore, all the data provided in this work are real and are taken from the same realization of La Caverna de Deimos. At the time of delivery of this work, the 6 chapters will be produced and uploaded to networks so that they can be heard by potential listeners. In order to carry out this project, a multidisciplinary team of people has been used who have contributed their grain of sand in their own areas of knowledge, under my co-production and artistic direction. These people are professionals in their sector who have invested their time in exchange for financial remuneration. La Caverna de Deimos is a project, but it aspires to be much more. A product that the public likes and that serves so that I and all the people who participated have a showcase where they can demonstrate their qualities to the industry.
Keywords: pòdcast
ficció sonora
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 14-Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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