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Title: Diseño de un circuito multiplexor de señal con Modbus
Author: González Jiménez, Miguel
Tutor: Cobo Rodríguez, Germán  
Others: Moreno Soriano, Carlos Gonzalo
Abstract: During the manufacturing phase of an electronic product, quality assurance methods are employed that go beyond simply verifying the correct assembly of components on the PCB. There are different types of control in the manufacturing process of a PCBA, such as solder paste thickness inspections (SPI), component assembly inspections (AOI), analog circuit tests (ICT), or functional circuit tests (FCT), and it is for these last two that the solution of this project is proposed. This project will focus on the development and assembly of a circuit to multiplex signals from the test points of a DUT (Device Under Test), which will allow these signals to be routed to measuring instruments such as multimeters or programmable electronic loads. Similarly, it can be used as a demultiplexer to carry low current power supplies from a power supply or function generator to different parts of a DUT. The necessity for these types of multiplexer circuits comes from their superior robustness compared to other systems that require cable installations. The ability to distribute signals from the circuit's own connector, as well as its maintainability, are key to the proliferation of such solutions. It is also important to highlight that they facilitate "Build to Print," one of the most important concepts in the manufacture of test machines, which aims to ensure that two identical pieces of equipment present the minimal differences between them.
Keywords: microcontrolador
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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