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Title: Riscs Controlats, desenvolupament d’una base de dades per la futura implementació d’un ERM
Author: Riera Martí, Monserrate
Tutor: Joan Tomàs, Laia
Others: Curto Díaz, José  
Abstract: This document is part of the Final Degree Project in Computer Engineering, in the database area. The project involves developing a database to meet the needs of a company in the financial sector for documenting and managing risks, as well as a data warehouse that allows us to make statistical queries with constant access times. To carry out the project, I have used waterfall development, following the predefined order: obtaining the requirements, carrying out the design of the database and the warehouse, and finally, the implementation. Maintenance will be beyond the scope of the project. A test suite is also included to verify that everything works as expected. For obtaining the requirements, I have identified the user roles and the uses they will give to the project. As for the design, I have followed the database design stages, obtaining the different models (conceptual, logical, and physical). Once the design was completed, I proceeded to carry out the implementation of the database and the warehouse, including its CRUD procedures as well as triggers and procedures to keep the warehouse up-to-date and handle queries. Finally I implemented a test suite, covering all the CRUD procedures, then I inserted some sinthetic data and I did a new test suite to check the statistical querys. The products obtained in the development of this project have been: the initial work plan, the project´s memory, the programming code, the report of transversal competences and the virtual presentation.
Keywords: bases de dades
magatzem de dades
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 17-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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LliuramentFinal_Mrieramar.zipArxius del TFG4,91 MBUnknownView/Open
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