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Title: Solución digital para la promoción y visibilización de servicios y programas para la protección de los derechos humanos de las mujeres
Author: Giraldo Tamayo , Mariana  
Tutor: Marichal, Sebastián  
Others: Mor, Enric  
Abstract: The protection of women’s fundamental rights is an important problem that we are currently facing as society, especially in Colombia where femicides and violence against women present alarming figures. The effort of developing this digital solution starts from the search for solutions for this problem. It was primarily focused on understanding women's needs, from which the gender gap is still growing. The violence contexts are still being encouraged, and on research the lack of tools to undertake the different public policies that encourage the protection of women and promote their development, making almost impossible the awareness generation in society, especially in women, about this problem. With this project, whose methodology was based on Human Centered Design, and in which there were approached the phases of research, definition, ideation design, and evaluation, the digital solution Una App was reached, whose value proposition is centered on the development of knowledge and awareness about important women’s topics, and on giving tools for identification and attention of situations related to their needs and safety. The result of the project is a high-fidelity prototype of the Una App, with its UIKit, which displays the main functionalities of the value proposition established in the project's definition phase.
Keywords: derechos de la mujer
diseño de experiencia
diseño centrado en el humano
estudios de género
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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