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Title: El Periodismo social como herramienta para la construcción de la memoria posconflicto desde una mirada de género
Author: Muguruza Mendarte, Miren Aintzane
Tutor: Pérez Gómez, Aura Patricia
Abstract: Women are affected by the underrepresentation of their experiences and views in opinion journalism (Galletero-Campos & Saiz Echezarreta, 2022). This informative silence is the cause, among others, of their absence in the processes of construction of collective memory in processes of armed violence, as well as in subsequent pacification processes. This thesis adopts social journalism as a research topic to analyze whether the practice of journalism from this approach can serve for the construction of post-conflict memory from a gender perspective by collecting life stories told in the first person with a desire to be a social service. It is asked whether in the convergence of social journalism and the gender perspective can be found the path that leads to the construction of a more inclusive, plural and feminist memory, whether the tools to counteract the influence of the media agenda can be found in this path, and whether the voice of women and their life stories can be solid and sufficient foundations to shape these tools. Narrative research is proposed as a working method, an aspect within the qualitative perspective in social sciences that is nourished by life stories (Blanco, 2011), so that data collection and analysis is carried out using theoretical literature and in-depth interviews with women survivors of armed conflicts as a source. The proposed analysis proposes tools such as "vulnerable listening" (García González, 2023), as well as the use of communicative channels that have emerged thanks to new technologies, and the inclusion in the communicative discourse of "communication of uncertainty", a form of communication closer to the relational modes acquired by women during their learning process of socialization. The research concludes that only social journalism that wants to look at reality from a more pluralistic position, paying attention to the perspective of the most vulnerable groups, and is capable of articulating new ways of constructing the news, will be able to participate in the construction of memory and social justice with a gender perspective.This research initiates a path that can be continued in subsequent investigations, focusing on the same or different countries. It has also proposed tools that it hopes will be put into practice to advance the objectives that have been set and that will serve not only to improve the social inequalities that affect women through journalism, but also to be adapted and used as methods of mediation in conflict resolution to move towards social justice.
Keywords: media agenda
social journalism
armed conflict
memory with gender perspective
gender studies
narrative research
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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