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Title: El franctirador d’ultradreta: els missatges bèl·lics de l’extrema dreta des del faristol
Author: Sagrera Torres, Jordi
Tutor: Pérez i Brufau, Roger  
Abstract: The present work aims to carry out an analysis of the political harangues and any communicative act of the far-right statesmen of Catalonia, Spain and Europe, and thus determine if the conceptual metaphors of war inspiration are the perfect and infallible linguistic projectiles with which far-right parties support the propaganda apparatus. Consequently, political speeches, campaigns, political programs and interactions of far-right politicians on social networks are studied, especially everything that is said and staged during the pre-campaign and campaign for the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia 2024, with the will to identify the war conceptual metaphor, analyse its structure and determine its uses and purposes for which they are so important to far-right politics. At the same time and thanks to the study, it will be verified if the conceptual metaphor is the source and fundamental structure on which the marketing of the Catalan ultra-right is sustained and, at the same time, it will be tried to determine if this fact also occurs in the parties of Spanish, European and other corners of the world extreme right.
Keywords: cognitive linguistics
conceptual metaphor
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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