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Title: Representaciones y Prácticas Sexuales No Heteronormativas en el Mundo Antiguo: Un Enfoque Interdisciplinario desde Mesopotamia hasta Grecia y Roma
Author: Gilabert Canterla, Lidia
Tutor: Vidal Palomino, Jordi
Abstract: This research focuses on non-heteronormative sexual practices in ancient Mesopotamia, comparing them with other civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The hypothesis posits that these practices existed and were represented in these cultures, although their acceptance and regulation varied according to social, cultural, and religious/mythological contexts. The study is based on a qualitative and comprehensive approach, using primary sources such as cuneiform texts, inscriptions, archaeological artifacts, and artistic representations, along with secondary sources such as academic studies. In the case of Mesopotamia, legal and literary texts will be analyzed to understand social norms regarding sexuality and gender. For Egypt, religious texts and artifacts will be investigated to explore gender dynamics. In Greece, pederastic relationships will be studied through philosophical and literary texts, and in Rome, ambivalent attitudes towards homosexuality will be examined through historical and legal sources. The aim is to offer a deeper understanding of sexual diversity in antiquity and how these practices were perceived and regulated. This study will contribute to academic knowledge on the evolution of social and legal norms in relation to sexuality, providing relevant historical perspectives for contemporary debates on gender and sexuality.
Keywords: Estudios de género
Historia antigua
diversidad sexual
no heteronormativas
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 22-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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