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Title: Tries lingüístiques a Twitter segons el tema de conversa
Author: Lloret Llinares, Marta
Tutor: Sorolla, Natxo  
Others: Figueras Capdevila, Narcís  
Abstract: Plurilingual speakers can decide which language to use in every situation. The choice depends on several factors related to each situation and to social context. In the Catalan speaking area, it has been shown that linguistic choice depends mainly on the language of the conversational partner. Up to now, research has mainly focused on face-to-face interactions, but nowadays we communicate vastly through internet. Therefore, we analysed linguistic choice in Twitter, a social networking site where users write short messages, tweets, and can interact with each other. The study follows the framework provided by the communication accommodation theory, which explains when, why and how people adjust their interactions with others. Using a corpus composed by tweets from 2021 written in the Catalan speaking territories, we studied how the conversation topic can explain linguistic choice on this platform. Results show that, in most cases, users adapt linguistically to their conversation partner by choosing the same language as the latter, thus following the expected pattern according to the communication accommodation theory. However, there are cases where we observe more divergence towards Spanish in topics with more interactions that started in Catalan, which might be more relevant to the Catalan speaking community, such as Catalan politics.
Keywords: linguistic choice
communication accommodation theory
computational sociolinguistics
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 9-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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