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Title: La indústria de la nostàlgia: anàlisi de les dimensions espai-temps de les pel·lícules de Pixar i Studio Ghibli
Author: Vilar Canamasas, Albert
Tutor: Niqui, Cinto  
Abstract: Nostalgia is a "defense mechanism". A feeling that sells. Cultural companies structure their stories under this emotional umbrella, aware of its strong potential to create a lasting bond over time between viewer and product. Since its beginnings with the Zoetrope, cinema has continued to be the art of movement, space and time. The animation industry—the art of recreating and adapting movement—does it with its stories. This is an analysis of the treatment of space, time and characters by the two great world animation references, Studio Ghibli and Pixar, in their films. And from them, they transmit to us a vision of the world—past or future – in a nostalgic way based on emotional stories that unite children and adults.
Keywords: nostalgia
Studio Ghibli
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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