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Title: Plan de prevención de riesgos laborales de Salcai-Utinsa S.A.
Author: Marrero Jiménez, Alberto
Tutor: Sanchez-Gomez, Martin  
Abstract: Introduction: The present Final Work of Master (TFM) focuses on the design and implementation of a Plan of Prevention of Occupational Risks PPRL for Salcai-Utinsa S.A., company dedicated to the regular public transport of passengers with buses in the island of Gran Canaria, that as its main objective is to improve the safety and health of its employees, minimizing the risks associated with their daily activities and complying with current regulations. It is justified to establish a robust plan to protect its workers, public transport service users and improve operational efficiency. Methodology: A thorough analysis of the company’s operations was carried out to identify the various risks, using direct observation technique, consultation of existing documentation in the organization, to then design a set of control, monitoring and preventive measures that the organization must have in place to comply with current labor regulations in order to improve the safety and health of all the organization’s personnel. Results: Risks were identified for workers with high probability derived from their activity as they are; traffic accident on mission and physical and verbal assaults by service users, described within the company’s 2023 occupational accidents, it is therefore necessary for the PPRL to increase the awareness and preventive culture of all staff. Conclusions: The conclusions summarize the key ideas of the project, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive and dynamic approach in the prevention of occupational risks for the company and its involvement in the road passenger transport sector. It is highlighted that the adoption of the proposed SGPRL not only improves the safety and health of workers, but also contributes to greater efficiency and quality of service offered by the company, to its customers, suppliers, etc.
Keywords: prevention of occupational risks
occupational safety and health
risk management
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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