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Title: Descobreix el català: fes-te’l teu. Proposta de vehiculació del currículum del MECR atenent aspectes lingüístics, sociolingüístics i interculturals per garantir un nivell elemental de català a l'alumnat nouparlant
Author: Utgés Minguell, Anna
Tutor: Pinto Fernández, Mª Purificación
Abstract: This Master's Thesis investigates the process of learning Catalan as a second language (L2) by newcomer and foreign-origin students, considering linguistic, sociolinguistic, and intercultural aspects. With the aim of developing a curriculum proposal aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) that ensures the teaching and learning of an elementary level (B1) of Catalan for newcomer students, a review of previous literature and fieldwork based on in-depth interviews with nine students in the welcome and individualized attention classroom of a high school in Tàrrega (Spain) have been carried out. The resulting product is a replicable didactic proposal that addresses the four curriculum elements considered most challenging by newcomer students, through gamified strategies that promote the inclusion and integration of young immigrants.
Keywords: adquisició de segones llengües
alumnat nouparlant
aula d’acollida
català com a segona llengua
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 13-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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