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Title: Uso del feedback entre iguales en entornos virtuales para la mejora de la expresión escrita
Author: Rodriguez Cañizares, Ana Maria
Tutor: Herrero Rámila, César  
Abstract: Assessment is fundamental in the teaching and learning process as it provides information about students' progress and the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved so that the teacher can decide how best to adapt teaching processes to the students and how best to assess them (Sanmartí, 2020). But for it to be really useful it is important that it involves student participation. The most common ways of involving students in assessment are self-assessment and co-assessment. In relation to the latter, the use of peer feedback is proposed, which allows students to reflect on their own work based on the work of their peers. In this way, students develop skills such as autonomy, critical thinking and collaborative work. In this sense, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play an important role as they also help to work on these competences. In this didactic intervention proposal, therefore, the basic characteristics of this assessment method are explored in order to help B2.1 students to improve their writing skills with the help of technology. For this purpose, the technological tool Padlet is used, which allows students to publish entries in different formats (text, audio, image, etc.) and to interact with the rest of the students who have access to this space. Even though it is a theoretical didactic proposal, which has not been put into practice, it is concluded that it is a viable intervention since both the technology and the methodology applied allow the student to develop written expression skills and learning and self-regulation strategies.
Keywords: Padlet
peer feedback
entorns virtuals
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 25-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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