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Títol: Which Public Relations and Communications Agency Should I Choose? A New Competency Model for a Smarter Supplier Selection
Autoria: Cuenca-Fontbona, Joan  
Compte-Pujol, Marc  
Sueldo, Mariana  
Martín-Guart, Ramon Francisco  
Citació: Cuenca-Fontbona, J., Compte-Pujol, M., Sueldo, M. & Martín-Guart, R. (2023). Which Public Relations and Communications Agency Should I Choose? A New Competency Model for a Smarter Supplier Selection. In Paulo Carlos López López & Andrea De-Santis & Ángel Torres Toukoumidis & Daniel Barredo & Óscar Avilés (ed.). Communication and Applied Technologies. Proceedings of ICOMTA 2022 (p. 433-445). Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-6347-6_39
Resum: The purpose of this article is to develop an innovative model for the selection of public relations and communication agencies, or agencies that provide public relations services. Within the framework of final decision models and building on the matrix model of a competency assessment rubric, our proposed model is designed upon the analysed perceptions of communication directors who work for Spanish organizations with the highest turnover. An ad hoc questionnaire was designed and delivered to the targeted respondents. Factorial analysis as well as content analysis of the collected data were conducted in order to explore and classify the attributes more commonly used when selecting a public relations and communication agency. Results indicate that communication departments apply the following criteria: experience, sectorial specialization and client portfolio; professionalism, reliability and quality of the service; and the economic proposal. Surprisingly, technological and digital competency has not emerged as a prominent attribute in this model, despite the capital role that is played by applied technologies in any kind of organization. Nor the capacity of innovation has been considered relevant to be part of the rubric. This study has practical implications since it provides communication professionals with objective criteria for the selection a public relations and communication agency, within the framework of final decision models.
Paraules clau: competencies
public relations and communication agencies
supplier selection
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6347-6_39
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
Data de publicació: 23-nov-2022
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