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Title: El espacio público como constructor social de los asentamientos informales. Caso Manchay - Lima, Perú
Author: Cuba Cruz, Maria Elena
Director: Gutierrez Sanchez, Isabel
Abstract: From my years as an undergraduate student at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Ricardo Palma University in Lima, Perú, to my professional experience in the Management of Urban and Rural Development of the Municipality of Pachacamac, I have developed a deep interest in the self-organising and self-constructive work in the informal contexts of Metropolitan Lima, a reality that also reflects the Latin America scene. This Master's thesis is the product of these concerns and seeks to explore the various forms of planning, appropriation and creation of public space as elements that build community development and social cohesion in the informal settlements of Manchay. To this end, through a qualitative ethnographic research, which combines documentary research and fieldwork based on participant observation, surveys, interviews and dialogue with residents, local managers and leaders of social organisations, as well as immersion in two slums in Manchay - one in an incipient stage of consolidation and the other already consolidated with all basic services - we were able to obtain a detailed analysis of the community behaviour of the inhabitants of these human settlements. This research has made it possible to identify the forms of community participation and organisation in the creation of public spaces, their versatility in the daily life of the residents, the alliances necessary to consolidate community development and the important participation of women in social strengthening. Finally, it can be concluded that there is a bidirectional relationship between public space and community building in informal settlements. The self-construction of the community habitat fosters social relations that strengthen the community and create identity, while the organisation and active participation in community work determine the effective consolidation of public spaces.
Keywords: asentamientos informales, espacios públicos, participación ciudadana, cohesión social, desarrollo comunitario
estudios de genero
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Sep-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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