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Title: Accesibilidad cognitiva para la mejora del ámbito laboral de las personas con discapacidad intelectual. Evaluación de un centro especial de empleo.
Author: Fernández Jiménez, Cristina
Tutor: Agulló Tomás, Esteban
Abstract: In this master's degree final project, an analysis of the cognitive accessibility of a special employment center has been carried out. The main objective was to evaluate the center in order to propose improvements in the field of cognitive accessibility, an important aspect for people with intellectual disabilities, who in this case are the majority. The methodology used was qualitative and participatory, including interviews with both professionals and workers with intellectual disabilities. To facilitate understanding, adapted questionnaires were provided to the people with disabilities during the interviews. The results revealed some cognitive barriers that, if addressed, could improve the work performance of the workers, such as orientation within the center or comprehension of tasks. To this end, an intervention proposal is made along with a plan to develop it over time. The proposals include the inclusion of a directory and signposting with pictograms of the premises and the creation of social scripts for the different tasks that workers have to carry out on a daily basis. It also includes training on cognitive accessibility for the professionals of the special employment center.
Keywords: disability
cognitive accessibility
visual support
job inclusion
special employment center
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jul-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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