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Title: Gènere i TIC: el procés d'autoinclusió de les dones en les TIC. Una aproximació des de les tecnòlogues artístiques i les tecnòlogues informàtiques
Author: Vergés Bosch, Núria
Director: González Ramos, Ana M.  
Almeda Samaranch, Elisabet
Castaä‘o Collado, Cecilia  
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Abstract: This thesis analyses the process of self-inclusion of women in ICT, which is understood as a strategy in which women are situated as agents conducting their own ICT inclusion. The main objectives of this research are: firstly, to explore the relationship of gender and ICT; secondly, to examine the self-inclusion strategies, that is, the main motivations, enablers and mechanisms involved; and finally, to compare these issues in relation to artistic technologists and computer technologists. The results of this research indicate that transformations appear for both gender and ICT. However, these changes are not extreme, but are situated in the middle of a continuum of gender and a continuum of ICT that is being co-produced in a fluid and mutable manner, that is, while doing and undoing gender and ICT. This contributes to postfeminist research of technology providing new evidence and developments about the relationships between gender and ICT. The research also examines the process of self-inclusion of women in ICT, identifying and describing the main elements involved. This examination consists, firstly, of identifying and explaining several self-inclusion mechanisms that the participants follow and activate in relation to the motivations and enablers of self-inclusion. Secondly, these show that, predominantly, there is an enthusiastic relationship between the participants and ICT. Finally, although these issues are similarly presented for artistic technologists and computer technologists, some differences and new opportunities appear. This suggests that ICT intersections must be considered in order to understand and improve the inclusion of women in ICT. This not only contributes to the debates on feminism of technology, but also provides a guide to future policies in regard to gender and ICT inclusion.
Keywords: gender
social inclusion policies
technology feminisms
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Issue Date: 26-Mar-2012
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Appears in Collections:Tesis doctorals

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