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Title: La accesibilidad en los repositorios
Author: Ribera Turró, Mireia
Others: Jornadas OS-Repositorios (4as : 2010 : Barcelona)
Citation: Ribera Turró, Mireia (2010). "La accesibilidad en los repositorios". 4as Jornadas OS-Repositorios. Barcelona 3-5 marzo de 2010. <>
Abstract: The relationship between the concepts of open access and universal access is described. From their nexus the need to enhance accessibility in open access institutional repositories for legal, objectives and professional ethics achievements is argued. This accessibility must be in the search interface as well as at the level of content. It includes a brief analysis on the current situation, realising that there is no minimum observance of the basic accessibility criteria. Finally it concludes with some organizational and technical proposals to improve this situation.
Keywords: Accessibility
Document type: Conference lecture
Issue Date: 5-Mar-2010
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:4es Jornades OS-REPOSITORIOS (Barcelona, 3-5 març 2010)

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