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Title: ACCEDA y BUSTREAMING : Integración de audio y video en el proceso de autoarchivo del Repositorio de la ULPGC en acceso abierto
Author: Carnal Domínguez, Inmaculada
López Díez, María Pilar
Vera Cazorla, Pino María
Others: Jornadas OS-Repositorios (4as : 2010 : Barcelona)
Citation: Carnal Domínguez, Inmaculada; López Díez, Mª Pilar; Vera Cazorla, Pino María (2010). "ACCEDA y BUSTREAMING : Integración de audio y video en el proceso de autoarchivo del Repositorio de la ULPGC en acceso abierto". 4as Jornadas OS-Repositorios. Barcelona 3-5 marzo de 2010. <>
Abstract: Presentation of the two new platforms developed by the Library of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: ACCEDA (ULPGC open access scientific documentation) and BUSTREAMING (for multimedia documents). These are two new initiatives of the University Library in the framework of the Open Access movement, in addition to the existing Digital Memory of the Canary Islands, which began in 2003 with great success. Although the software used for the development of ACCEDA is DSpace, the Library has introduced services for users and administrators, for example, the possibility to upload documents without having to use the self-archive environment and the incorporation of the BUStreaming tool developed by the Library.
Keywords: Streaming
Document type: Conference lecture
Issue Date: 5-Feb-2010
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:4es Jornades OS-REPOSITORIOS (Barcelona, 3-5 març 2010)

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