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Title: Una revisión crítica desde la Ecología Política Urbana del concepto Smart City en el Estado español
Author: March, Hug  
Ribera-Fumaz, Ramon  
Abstract: There is an institutional consensus that the twenty-first century will be the century of cities, and that these may well be the source of many environmental problems, they themselves will be the main driver of the transition to more sustainable economies. Recently, many global, and most European cities have made the Smart City (Smart City) one of the key pillars to face such a transition concept. This generic appellation serves as an umbrella for many urban strategies that attempt to combine new forms of economic growth, low carbon, inclusive and participatory, articulated around the advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
Keywords: Smart City
Political ecology
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Issue Date: Jul-2014
Appears in Collections:Publicacions

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