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Resultados 51-60 de 306.
Registros encontrados:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2018-05-01Virtues of integrity and veracity in reporting, data alone is not enough. A case study approachCuguero-Escofet, Natàlia; Villaescusa Serrano, Núria; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC); Universidad Pública de Navarra
2018-08Ownership and the desire for continuity over time, the principal 'drivers' of the family business cultureÁlvarez Gómez, Fernando; Ruiz Viñals, Carme; Universitat Abat Oliba CEU; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2021-06-12Comunicación en redes sociales en escenarios de pandemia o epidemia: un análisis bibliométricoOsorio, Carlos; ARANGO PASTRANA, CARLOS ALBERTO; Jiménez-Zarco, Ana Isabel
2023-09-11The metamorphosis of China’s automotive industry (1953–2001): Inward internationalisation, technological transfers and the making of a post-socialist marketJia-Zhenga, Yuan; Brasó Broggi, Carles
2017-06-27Monedas complementarias: dinero con valoresCorrons, August; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2023-05-26The impact of labour market shocks on mental health: evidence from the Covid‐19 first waveBogliacino, Francesco; Codagnone, Cristiano; Folkvord, Frans; Lupiáñez-Villanueva, Francisco
2016-07The effectiveness of instructor personalised and formative feedback in an online setting: some unresolved issuesPlana-Erta, Dolors; Moya Gutierrez, Soledad; Simó Guzman, Josep
2022-02-01The recruit requirements of recent graduates: approaching the existing mismatchPujol-Jover, Maria; Duque, Lola C.; Riera Prunera, Carme; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Economia i Empresa; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
2010-02-22The grape phylloxera plague as a natural experiment: the upkeep of vineyards in Catalonia (Spain), 1858-1935Badia-Miró, Marc; Tello Aragay, Enric; Valls Junyent, Francesc; Garrabou Segura, Ramon; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC); Universitat de Barcelona (UB); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
2015-07-03Educational mismatches in the EU: immigrants vs nativeNieto Viramontes, Sandra; Matanó, Alessia; Ramos López, Raúl; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3); Universitat de Barcelona (UB)