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Title: Web per a intolerants a la lactosa, basada en un sistema de gestió de continguts en WordPress
Author: Cros Àlvarez, Ester  
Tutor: Julià Lundgren, Daniel
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Córcoles, César  
Vila, Irma  
Abstract: The projects's idea site for lactose intolerance people based on WordPress CMS comes from the personal need to search for information on IL, and the difficulties that entails because of the dispersal of information sources. The main objective is to concentrate on a single website the different types of useful and practical information to make life easier for someone IL, find a solution scalable, dynamic and responsive, enabling users to take part in creating new content. The secondary objectives are essentially learning to use a CMS for a real project in the future, and to disseminate and create an App. The methodology consist in making a preliminary research, identify the needs of the target, plan and define the project scope, develop the conceptual design and technical development of the web, make test with end users to develop, finally and publish the final proposal into an Internet platform. The development on this project allowed me to learn a lot about what it means creating a complete and real project, and implement a synthesis of the knowledge acquired during the Multimedia Degree
Keywords: Memory
Content Management Systems
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 10-Jan-2015
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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