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Registres trobats:
Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2018-01-02Collaborative Online Writing and Techno- Social Communities of Practice Around the Commons: The Case of Teixidora.net in BarcelonaGarriga Miret, Mònica; Gómez Fontanill, David; Senabre Hidalgo, Enric; Fuster Morell, Mayo
2018-12-20A metaheuristic and simheuristic approach for the p-HUB median problem from a telecommunication perspectiveAlvarez Fernandez, Stephanie Milena; Riera Terrén, Daniel; de Armas, Jesica; Guerreiro e Silva, Daniel
2018-06-18A framework for agile design of personalized gamification servicesMora Carreño, Alberto; Arnedo-Moreno, Joan; González González, Carina
2018-06-18The joint influence of competition and mutualism on the biodiversity of mutualistic ecosystemsGracia Lázaro, Carlos; Hernández, Laura; Borge-Holthoefer, Javier; Moreno Vega, Yamir; Universidad de Zaragoza; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
2018-07Automated breast ultrasound lesions detection using convolutional neural networksYap, Moi Hoon; Pons Rodríguez, Gerard; Martí Bonmatí, Joan; Ganau Macías, Sergi; Sentís Crivellé, Melcior; Zwiggelaar, Reyer; Davison, Adrian K.; Martí Marly, Robert; Manchester Metropolitan University; Universitat de Girona; Aberystwyth University; University of Manchester; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2018-06-09Integration of an adaptive trust-based e-assessment system into virtual learning environments—The TeSLA project experienceBaró, Xavier; Guerrero-Roldan, Ana E.; Prieto Blázquez, Josep; Rozeva, Anna; Marinov, Orlin; Kiennert, Christophe; Rocher, Pierre-Olivier; Garcia-Alfaro, Joaquin
2018-01-16A computational academic integrity frameworkAmigud, Alexander; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Escola de Doctorat; Daradoumis, Thanasis; Arnedo-Moreno, Joan
2018-05-24Using ubiquitous computing for preventing risk behaviors based on smart contexts through mobile devices: an approach for nutrition and sexually transmitted diseasesBesoain, Felipe; Perez-Navarro, Antoni
2018-12-03Simheuristics to support efficient and sustainable freight transportation in smart city logisticsGruler, Aljoscha; Juan, Angel A.; Perez-Navarro, Antoni
2018-03-19Using SmartMesh IP in smart agriculture and smart building applicationsBrun-Laguna, Keoma; Diedrichs, Ana Laura; Dujovne, Diego; Taffernaberry, Carlos; Léone, Rémy; Vilajosana, Xavier; Watteyne, Thomas; Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina); Universidad Diego Portales; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)