Articles 621

Articles publicats en revistes.
Artículos publicados en revistas.
Published journal articles.
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Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 1 al 20 de 621

Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2024-09Solving the stochastic team orienteering problem: comparing simheuristics with the sample average approximation methodPanadero, Javier; Juan, Angel A.; Ghorbani, Elnaz; Faulin, Javier; Pagès Bernaus, Adela
2024-10Privacy-preserving protocol for high-frequency smart meters using reversible watermarking and Paillier encryptionKabir, Farzana; Koohpayeh araghi, Tanya; Megias, David
2023-12-25Analysis of the Learning Process of Computer Programming Logic in an 8-Year-Old Elementary School Student at Home through the Scratch ProgramGARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, VICTOR JESUS
2024-09-02Feasibility of Providing High-Precision GNSS Correction Data through Non-Terrestrial NetworksBoquet Pujadas, Guillem; Vilajosana, Xavier; Martinez, Borja
2024-06-19Transiciones hacia una sociedad igualitaria: el cuidado de la vida en el centro de la políticaDi Tullio, Anabella
2021-03-01Printed sensor labels for colorimetric detection of ammonia, formaldehyde and hydrogen sulfide from the ambient airEngel, Laura; Benito Altamirano, Ismael; Tarantik, Karina; Pannek, Carolin; Dold, Martin; Prades, J. Daniel; Wöllenstein, Jürgen
2023-08-04Evaluation of an intervention on activity planning in CS1Gómez, Alberto; Marco-Galindo, Maria-Jesús; Minguillón, Julià
2022-08-02Why do CS1 students become repeaters?Marco-Galindo, Maria-Jesús; Minguillón, Julià; García-Solórzano, David; Sancho-Vinuesa, Teresa
2016-02Improving the characterization of P-stability for applications in network privacySalas, Julián; Torra, Vicenç
2015-03-04Interactions of Cultures and Top People of Wikipedia from Ranking of 24 Language EditionsEom, Young-Ho; Aragón, Pablo; Kaltenbrunner, Andreas; Vigna, Sebastiano; Shepelyansky, Dima
2022-01-11Incidents1M: a large-scale dataset of images with natural disasters, damage, and incidentsWeber, Ethan; Lapedriza, Agata; Papadopoulos, Dim P.; Ofli, Ferda; Imran, Muhammad; Torralba, Antonio
2018-07-04Personal informatics systems for supporting self-regulation in online learning environmentsGarcía-Solórzano, David; Santamaría, Eugènia; Morán Moreno, Jose Antonio; Cobo Rodríguez, Germán; Monzo, Carlos
2014-08Core decomposition of uncertain graphsBonchi, Francesco; Gullo, Francesco; Kaltenbrunner, Andreas; Volkovich, Yana
2013-06-02Communication dynamics in twitter during political campaigns: The case of the 2011 Spanish national electionAragón, Pablo; Kappler, Karolin Eva; Kaltenbrunner, Andreas; Laniado, David; Volkovich, Yana
2012-04-01Emotions, Public Opinion, and U.S. Presidential Approval Rates: A 5-Year Analysis of Online Political DiscussionsGonzalez-Bailon, Sandra; Banchs, Rafael; Kaltenbrunner, Andreas
2010-08-02Urban cycles and mobility patterns: Exploring and predicting trends in a bicycle-based public transport systemKaltenbrunner, Andreas; Meza, Rodrigo; Grivolla, Jens; Codina, Joan; Banchs, Rafael
2010-06-01The Structure of Political Discussion Networks: A Model for the Analysis of Online DeliberationGonzalez-Bailon, Sandra; Kaltenbrunner, Andreas; Banchs, Rafael
2021-01Admission control for ad-hoc edge cloudJuan Ferrer, Ana; Panadero, Javier; Marquès Puig, Joan Manuel; Jorba, Josep
2019-01-29Towards the decentralised cloud: survey on approaches and challenges for mobile, ad hoc, and edge computingMarquès Puig, Joan Manuel; Jorba, Josep; Juan Ferrer, Ana
2020-01How are UML class diagrams built in practice? A usability study of two UML tools: Magicdraw and PapyrusPlanas, Elena; Cabot, Jordi
Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 1 al 20 de 621