2009, vol. 0, n. 1 16

Subscriviu-vos per rebre un correu electrònic cada vegada que s'introdueixi un nou ítem en aquesta col·lecció.
Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 1 al 16 de 16

Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2010-06-07The conflict in mobbing. Triggers and resolutionParés Soliva, Marina
2010-06-07Civilian Movement for Ministries or Departments of Peace in the WorldCostanzo, Simonetta
2010-06-07Reconciliation: some lessons learned in the restorative justice contextForget, Marc
2010-06-07Conflict situations in the socio-health sphere of aged peopleAlzate Sáez de Heredia, Ramón; Malla Mora, Raquel; Godoy Magdaleno, Ana Isabel
2010-06-07Building peace over war ashesCusso Porredón, Jordi; Torralba Rosselló, Francesc; Vinas, Maria
2010-06-07Global civil society initiative to create a large-scale, unarmed peaceforceCarriere, Rolf
2010-06-07Conflict and cultural violence in Colombia. Transformation proposals from the schoolOrdàs García, Noemi
2010-06-07System in conflict : analysis of the conflict theory within a systemGorvein, Nilda
2010-06-07Constructive conflict transformationKriesberg, Louis
2010-06-07Mediating commitmentsMacduff, Ian
2010-06-07Discovering gangsSeisdedos de Vega, Beatriz
2010-06-07Mediation : roots in the past with projection in the futureVall, Anna
2010-06-07Mediation in university communities : the experience of the Universidad Complutense de MadridGarcía Villaluenga, Leticia
2010-06-07Gangs An approach to understanding them and strategic proposals for resolving the conflicts they generate from the perspective of ConflictologyVinyamata Camp, Eduard
2010-06-07Environmental peace (Gaia peace) : Premises to develop a modelBeltrán Zambrano, Roberto
2010-06-07Complete Issue Journal of Conflictology Volume 0, Issue 1 (2009)Jenne, Nicole
Elementos (mostrados por Data dʹenviament en Descendent orden): 1 a 16 de 16