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Title: Diseño e implementación interfaz para móviles de paciente y de experto en sistema experto para la formulación de un programa de ejercicio físico a pacientes con obesidad y síndrome de apnea hipoapnea obstructiva del sueño.
Author: Buitrago Romero, Jairo Alejandro
Director: Clarisó, Robert  
Tutor: Ceballos Villach, Jordi
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Abstract: At the Manuela Beltrán University in Bogotá, a research project is being carried out that aims to "Determine the effect of the implementation of a technological tool for a physical exercise program in the population with obesity and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA)" from which the construction of an Expert System (SE) was decided. In this work, the evidences of the design and construction of patient user interfaces of study and expert user are shown, in the SE that emulates the knowledge of a sports doctor when analyzing the data of a patient and generating a personalized training plan. The patient and expert interfaces are two applications for mobile devices on Android platform, and allow each user group to interact with the SE by entering, consulting and updating system information related to training plans, training sessions, patients and applied instruments. The management of this project was carried out using PMI, in the implementation phase the development methodology with classic life cycle is applied using the cascade model with user-centered design and in order to validate the quality of the built system usability engineering techniques were used.
Keywords: mobile applications
physical exercise
expert system
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 10-Jan-2018
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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