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Title: Sex ratio secundaria: tendencias y factores relacionados
Author: Fisas Masferrer, David
Tutor: Jordana, Xavier
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Ventura, Carles
Merino, David  
Abstract: In humans, the secondary sex ratio (SRS) is defined as the ratio between the number of male births per 100, or 1000, female births. This indicator is subject to a significant decline over the last decades for reasons that are not currently fully established. The multiple related factors proposed in the scientific community since the last quarter of the twentieth century to explain the phenomenon are the subject of debate, and respond to both biological and social factors, such as the age of the parents, parity, stress or reproductive health , as to environmental conditions, such as pollution or climate change. The present study intends, on the one hand, to examine the possible tendencies of the SRS in a set of 53 countries and a temporary range of 69 years (1948 to 2016). On the other, it also intends to correlate these with 16 explanatory factors of a diverse nature (demographic, socioeconomic and environmental) chosen from the literature and the availability of data. The results of the approximations made show in general the tendency to decrease the indicator described by the literature and its relationship with the difference in age between the parents, the percentage of first children with respect to the annual total of births, infant mortality and emissions of NO2.
Keywords: minor sex-ratio
linear model
linear mixed model
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 29-Jan-2018
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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