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Title: Com es treballa en una aula virtual multilingüe? Un entorn d'aprenentatge multilingüe amb Moodle i Apertium
Author: Oliver, Antoni  
Borrell Condom, Cristina
Citation: Oliver, A., Borrell, C. (2008). "Un entorn d'aprenentatge multilingüe amb Moodle i Apertium". UOC Papers, 6. ISSN 1885-1541
Abstract: The UOC, within the framework of the Linguamón-UOC Chair in Multilingualism, has developed a virtual learning environment with an integrated machine translation system. Thanks to this project, which works with free software applications Moodle and Apertium, a multilingual learning environment can be provided in Catalan, English, French and Spanish. This environment is to be released under a free software licence. The translator includes a language detector and a pre-editing module that corrects incoming messages, without requiring any intervention from the user. This helps improve the quality of the resulting translations. The whole system has been adapted to the type of text seen in email messages following the prior study of the messages seen on the UOC's forums.
Keywords: Moodle
machine translator
open source software
software libre
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Issue Date: Apr-2008
Publication license:  
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