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Title: Alergia alimentaria en población pediátrica
Author: Hernández Santana, Guacimara Lucía
Tutor: Martí Cid, Roser
Abstract: Clinical experience and research has demonstrated an increase in the frequency of medical visits due to adverse reactions to food; a literature review has been carried out to confirm these data. Additionally, other concepts related to food allergy diagnosis, prevention and treatment have been taken into account. Much prevalence research has shown that food allergy affects nearly 10% of population; although it continues to be more frequent in children, it has also increased in other age groups. It has become a public health problem due to the limitations in the diet suffered by patients, as well as the risk of accidental reactions that can be life threatening. This situation generates a state of anxiety for the affected person and their immediate environment. More good quality scientific studies are needed in order to optimize methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment. As there is a lack of preventive measure at present, we should ensure the patient's environment is safe and provide an adequate quality of life. Due to the fact that allergies predominate in the pediatric population, an intervention plan is proposed to include a series of actions aimed to the school where children spend a large part of their day and perform some of the main meals.
Keywords: prevention
food allergy
food allergy and school
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2018
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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