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Title: L'ús de les xarxes socials a la política Balear: El PSIB-PSOE com a cas d'estudi
Author: Martínez Payán, Pablo
Tutor: Badell Serra, Pepa
Abstract: The new communication technologies, ICTs, have turned the communication systems of people. These have made the information faster and reach to more people all over the world. Therefore, the Internet and social networks have revolutionized communication. The way that politician¿s work and those who work with them has changed. For that, politicians have seen new technologies as a new way to reach their audience, to be more visible and to have the power of their message without the interpretations of the media. The Partit Socialista of the Balearic Islands has been a clear example of this new way of doing politics and the influence that social networks have played in their communication. PSIB has made social networks a communication tool to create a link with the citizens. In addition to disseminating your message and searching for the information necessary to carry out its policies. Social networks have been established as one of the fundamental pillars of political communication.
Keywords: ICT
new technologies
community manager
social networks
political communication
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2018
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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