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Title: Reserva cognitiva como factor protector de la sintomatología afectiva en personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo leve
Author: González López, Sonia Rita
Tutor: Turon, Marc  
Abstract: The cognitive reserve describes the ability of the brain to change its structure and functioning by the action of various mechanisms that have been influencing throughout life, such as years of schooling or profession, and that prevents the deterioration of certain cognitive functions. It has been seen that it acts as a protection against cognitive deterioration in normal aging and some pathologies and as a possible preventive factor of affective symptomatology in healthy elderly people. Goals. To analyze the relationship between cognitive reserve and affective symptomatology (depression) in a sample of elderly people with mild cognitive impairment. The study of this relationship is especially relevant for the possible early detection and prevention of MCI, as well as for the reduction of the risk or avoidance of its evolution to dementia. To examine the level of CR, the Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire will be used and to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms, the Geriatric Depression Scale. To study the relationship between both variables, the Spearman correlation coefficient will be used. Results. We expect to find a low but statistically significant inverse correlation between CR and depression.
Keywords: depression
mild cognitive impairment
cognitive reserve
affective symptomatology
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 4-Jul-2018
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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