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Title: Abordaje nutricional del paciente con cáncer gástrico en el Área de Salud del Bierzo. Justificación y desarrollo de un protocolo de intervención nutricional: "Plan de Prehabilitación Nutricional Pretratamiento"
Author: Urrutia Nadal, Blanca Amada de
Tutor: Toro Funes, Natalia
Abstract: Gastric cancer (GC) is a relevant neoplastic process, ranking fifth worldwide, with a significant associated morbi-mortality, which has direct and indirect impact on the nutritional status of the patients, who frequently present nutritional disorders (estimated from 15% to 80% of the patients, depending on the series and the tumor stage, at the time of diagnosis). In this project, a bibliographic review is presented, with the aim of analyzing the extent of the malnutrition on this patient cohort, regardless of their stage or the intention of treatment. Not only the impact that malnutrition may have on the quality of life (QoL) of this patients will be taking into account, but also the intuited negative impact on tolerance to the oncological treatments (either curative or palliative), their toxicity, and the possible increase of the post-operative (PO) complications that, in any case, determine an increase in hospital stay, the process' costs, a loss in quality of life, and a theoretical implication concerning the prognosis of the disease.
Keywords: clinical outcomes
gastric cancer
nutritional approach
quality of life
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Feb-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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