Articles 3406

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Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 221 al 240 de 3406

Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2018-12-02Supporting the IoT Business Value Through the Platformization of PilotsMartinez, Borja; Vilajosana, Xavier; Montón, Màrius; Vilajosana, Ignasi
2024-05-03Inside Airbnb’s performance and adaptive strategies in Barcelona using artificial neural networks: A longitudinal, spatial, and multi-host perspectiveMorales-Pérez, Soledad; Meseguer-Artola, Antoni; Garay, Lluis; Llados-Masllorens, Josep
2024-05Grammatical correction and morphological productivity tasks as potential identifiers of developmental language disorder in Spanish-Catalan bilingual children: a pilot studyBalboa Castells, Raquel ; Ahufinger, Nadia; Ferinu, Laura; Castilla-Earls, Anny; Andreu, Llorenç; Sanz-Torrent, Mònica
2021-05-02Designing speaking interaction in LMOOCs: An eTandem approachAppel, Christine; Pujolà Font, Joan-Tomàs
2021-08-22Student Engagement in an EFL/SFL Speaking LMOOC during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Influence of Learners’ Social, Affective and Cognitive DimensionsCristofol Garcia, Blanca; Appel, Christine
2023-04-18'I as a practicum mentor': identities of mentors of student teachersGarcia, Consuelo; Badia, Antoni
2023-03-29How criminal is it to rape a partner according to the justice system? Analysis of sentences in Spain (2015-2022)Tamarit Sumalla, Maria Rosa; Romero Seseña, Pablo; Arantegui, Laura; Aizpitarte, Alazne
2024-05-09Las claves del éxito en el streaming. Una aproximación teórico-práctica a la medición del impacto de los contenidos bajo demanda en las plataformas SVODNeira, Elena; Clares-Gavilán, Judith; Sánchez-Navarro, Jordi
2024-01-04"It is the voice of the environment that speaks", digital activism as an emergent form of environmental communicationSan Cornelio, Gemma; martorell, sandra; Ardevol, Elisenda
2008-12L'observatori de terminologia Talaia: mètode i processosMoré, Joaquim; Rius Alcaraz, Lluís; Vàzquez, Mercè; Villarejo Muñoz, Luis
2009-02-02L'observatori de terminologia Talaia: un exemple d'innovació per mitjà de la cooperacióMontes, Dolors; Vàzquez, Mercè
2024-04-23Learning to collaborate within transdisciplinarity: Internal barriers and strengths of an art-science encounterGallois, Sandrine; Heras, Maria; Sella, Carlo; Satorras, Mar; Ribera-Fumaz, Ramon; Ruiz-Mallén, Isabel
2024-04-27Overview of the Twitter conversation around #14F 2021 Catalonia regional election: an analysis of echo chambers and presence of social botsBroto Cervera, Raul; Pérez-Solà, Cristina; Batlle, Albert
2023-03-16Digital technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic: Opportunities and challenges for environmental educators in BarcelonaCorres, Andrea; Ruiz-Mallén, Isabel
2023-07-02Political participation in the digital technology era: a symposium on Outside the Bubble: Social Media and Political Participation in Western DemocraciesBorge, Rosa; Boulianne, Shelley; Dennis, James; Vaccari, Cristian; VALERIANI, AUGUSTO
2024-03-02Throwing ideology away: Yoshimoto Takaaki’s theory of taishū and Terayama Shūji’s film parody of the peoplede Vargas, Ferran
2024-06-26Dissemination strategies for mHealth apps: systematic reviewMoungui, Henri Claude; Nana Djeunga, Hugues Clotaire; ANYIANG, CHE FRANKLINE; Cano , Mireia; Ruiz Postigo, Jose Antonio; Carrion, Carme
2024-01-16Aletheia: an open-source toolbox for steganalysisLerch-Hostalot, Daniel; Megias, David
2024-01-03Evaluation of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on people and organisations in long-term care facilities of Catalonia and proposals for improving the care model: the resicovid-19 projectJordi, Amblàs-Novellas; Coll-Planas, Laura; Jerez-Roig, Javier; López, Daniel; Martori, Joan Carles; Ramon Aribau, Anna; Comas-Herrera, Adelina; Moreno Martin, Pau; Solé Casals, Montserrat; Máiz-Mazuela, Catuxa; Masó- Aguado, Montse; Gómez-Batiste, Xavier
2024-01-14Simulation of heuristics for automated guided vehicle task sequencing with resource sharing and dynamic queuesFuentes Leon, Jonas; Peyman, Mohammad; Martin Solano, Xabier Andoni; Juan, Angel A.
Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 221 al 240 de 3406